Olive French (née Heath)

General Information

First Name(s): Olive

Unmarried Surname:  Heath

Married Surname: French

Date of Birth: 2.7.1929

Place of Birth: Lewes, East Sussex

Date Joined WLA:  20.7.1946

Date Left WLA:  30.11.1950

WLA Number: 174200

Previous occupation: Nursemaid

Reasons for joining: I wanted to do my bit.

Family’s reaction to joining: Wished me luck.

Best and worst memories of time: Early mornings

Reactions of local people: Very good.

Reasons for leaving: Got married


Training in dairy work and general farming.

Worked in diary farming for private farmer, Mr S Wenham, Mrs K Wenham, and Miss B Wenham at Dittons Farm, Polegate, East Sussex.


Lived in a private billet with Mrs E Downs & Family, with family next door to the farm.

Life after the war

Stayed on the land for 2 more years.

How did work in the WLA / WTC effect your/ their life? I married the lad next door to my lodgings. I made many good friends. I loved the work.

Other information

Shared Land Girl experiences with BBC 2 Culture Show, Brighton Museum, and the film The Forgotten Army

Contributor Information

Name: Olive French

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