Iris Hutcheon (née Cox)

General Information

Iris Hutcheon (née Cox)
Iris Hutcheon (née Cox)

First Name(s): Iris Doreen

Unmarried Surname: Cox

Married Surname: Hutcheon

Date of Birth: 17th January 1923

Place of Birth: Newport, Wales

Date joined WLA: May 1943

Date left: February 1946

WLA number: 122824

Previous occupation: Worked in a tobacconist shop.

Reasons for leaving: Iris left the Land Army when the war ended.


Employed by: Iris worked for the County War Agricultural Committee but we also think she worked for private farmers occasionally but don’t have any details of this. 

Farm Name, village and county: The hostel Iris stayed at was near Thame in Oxfordshire but we don’t know exactly where.

Type of work undertaken: Threshing, looking after farm animals, Thatching, general farm work.

Opportunities to meet others: Iris went to local dances and to the cinema.

How did work in the WLA effect their life? Iris made friends in the Land Army that she was in touch with for the rest of her life.


Any names of other Land Girls or others they worked or shared accommodation with:

  • Muriel, known as Robin, married name Crowther (Crowther was Muriel’s married name but we don’t know her maiden name).
  • Margaret, called Margie for short, married name Bowden.
  • Elsie, married name Bradley.

Life after the war

Did they return back to their pre-war occupation? Yes

What was their occupation after the war? Worked in Tobacconist Shop

Did they stay on the land? No

Contributor Information

Name: Tracy Crail

Relationship to Land Girl: Granddaughter

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