Remembering HM Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)

As we mourn the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), the following page shares a series of photographs and footage showing the then young Princess meeting Land Girls at various events during the 1940s. We thank you for your unwavering duty, service, and humility.

Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret on 17th August 1945, talking to a Land Girl on the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk.

Princess Elizabeth attending a rally of Land Girls at Bath in 1945.

Princess Elizabeth visiting Bedford on 19th February 1946, for a Victory parade of hundreds of Land Girls.

Lieutenant-Colonel Part, Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire accompanies the 19 year old Princess Elizabeth on a visit to Bedford. She was given a civic reception in the morning and lunch at the Swan Hotel.

BLARS (Bedfordshire Times archive)
Source: Bedford Virtual Library
Bedfordshire land girls march past Princess Elizabeth down Bedford High Street on 14 February 1946 in a Victory parade
Bedfordshire land girls march past Princess Elizabeth down Bedford High Street on 14 February 1946 in a Victory parade.
Source: Stuart Antrobus. See more photos from the event on Bedford Virtual Library.

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