Joyce Haddon (née Camp)

General Information

Joyce Haddon (née Camp), left, with a friend in Trafalgar Square in London.

First Name(s): Joyce

Unmarried Surname: Camp  

Married Surname: Haddon

Date of Birth: 19/01/1924

Place of Birth: Peckham, London

Date joined WLA: 10/04/1942

Date left: 21/03/1946

Previous occupation: Office work at Boots, the chemist.


Farm Name, village and county: Kent

Type of work undertaken: Potato picking, harvesting, milking, tractor driving

Opportunities to meet others: Dances organised locally

How did work in the WLA/WTC effect their life? Met her husband-to-be Ken Haddon, when he was stationed in Kent during 1946, before being demobbed from the Army, following his return from active service in Egypt. They married in April 1947 and Joyce then moved to Nottinghamshire to start married life in Ken’s home village of Jacksdale. Joyce died in December 1998 after almost 52 years of happy marriage. Ken died in 2005.

Land girls in Kent – Joyce Haddon (née Camp), front right.
Land Girls taking a break in Kent


Accommodation in: Hostel “The Knoll”

Life after the war

Did they return back to their pre-war occupation? Yes

What was their occupation after the war? Office worker at Boots the Chemist

Did they stay on the land? No

Contributor Information

Name: Sally Coles

Relationship to Land Girl: Daughter

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