September Poem of the Month

Rhyme and Reason

By C.Bullock, 6919 & W. Lyons, 3697 (Kesteven)

If you have a little time

Here you’ll find some hints in rhyme.

No job is bad enough to shirk,

So never mind how hard you work.

Remember when you have to hoe

That plants must stay and weeds must go.

And if you’re put to picking ‘tates,

Try not to lag behind your mates:

For the faster goes the spinner

Then the quicker you’ll grow thinner.

When setting plants please concentrate;

Remember you must go straight.

And if you stand upon a stack

Just look around ‘ere stepping back.

No mucky plugs when on the tractor:

You’ll find this is a vital factor.

And when you’re asked to drive a dray

mind the gateposts on the way.

Don’t stay at home and mope away

The time that’s left for you to play.

Make a call on Mrs. Brown,

And ask if Lizzie’s mumps are down.

At night go to the W.I.,

You will enjoy it if you try.

And if you’re fed up try to grin,

Remember we’ve the war to win.

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