Barbara Chapman (née Harris)

Barbara Chapman (née Harris)
Barbara Chapman (née Harris)

General Information

First Name(s): Barbara Althea

Unmarried Surname: Harris

Married Surname: Chapman (married 1947)

Date of Birth: 03 August 1921

Place of Birth: Beaconsfield

Date joined WLA: 2.2.42

Date left: 5.9.45

WLA number: 64125

Previous occupation: Secretary shorthand typist

Reasons for joining: Doing something for the country/ war effort

Family’s reaction to joining: Supported as good for war effort

Treatment by farmers: Mum said some were ‘not’ very nice, but many were excellent, providing you did a good days work

Reasons for leaving: War ended


Pre-work training: Believe it was at Beenham Grange

Employed by: Private farmer. Worked from 23/2/45-16.7.45 for the WTC, under the Ministry of Supply, before being transferred back to the land.

Dates with employer: 1942-1945

Farm Name, village and county: Thatcham, Berkshire

Type of work undertaken: Dredging the Kennet and Avon Canal with a Priestman Cub dragline, milking cows, harvesting, tractor driving including traction engines.

Work liked most and least: Mucking out

Any accidents: Dragline snagged on submerged tree and tipped excavator into canal. Not injured, but precious lunch sandwiches were spoiled!


Address: Private Billet, Mr and Mrs Dollamore, Cottage backing onto Coal Yard, The Broadway, Thatcham, Berkshire

Life after the war

Did they return back to their pre-war occupation? Worked in an office, Huntley Bourne and Stevens – Reading

What was their occupation after the war? Office secretary, shorthand typist

Did they stay on the land? No

How did work in the WLA/WTC effect their life? Unforgettable lifetime experience

Any outstanding events or achievements in WLA/WTC or in later life? Tractor driving Proficiency Badge and certificate August 1944. Has armband with 6 chevrons meaning 3 years service.

Any other comments on time in the WLA/WTC? Mum was very proud to have been in the WLA

Contributor Information

Name: Mark Chapman

Relationship to Land Girl: Son

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