Lilian Amy Kitchen

Lily Kitchen in her WLA uniform, from about 1941/42.

General Information

First Name(s): Lilian Amy

Unmarried Surname: Kitchen

Date of Birth: 30.03.1919

Place of Birth: Birmingham

Date left WLA: 1945/6

Previous occupation: Dressmaker

Reasons for joining: To help with the war effort

Family’s reaction to joining: I don’t know, but two of my Nan’s sisters were in the WLA; other sisters contributed by working in munitions factories in Birmingham. One of her brothers served in Burma, so I think the family did all they could and I guess they felt proud.


I think my grandmother worked on a private dairy farm in Shipston-on-Stour, Warwickshire. She returned home at weekends to stay with her older sister and her family.

Nan always remembered her time in the WLA fondly. She enjoyed caring for the animals and learning to drive a tractor.

Type of work undertaken: Farming; tending to dairy cows and working the land.

Edna Kitchen, Margaret Kitchen and Lilian Kitchen, three sisters in the WLA, July 1944
Edna Kitchen, Margaret Kitchen and Lilian Kitchen; three sisters in the WLA, July 1944

Life after the war

Yes, my Nan was the proud mother of 5 children. She worked hard every day of her life to help provide for her family and raise them as best she could.

Contributor Information

Name: Laura Perry

Relationship to Land Girl: Granddaughter

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