Joan Alice Boffin (née Stokes)

General Information

First Name(s):  Joan (had a middle name of Alice but had removed legally)

Unmarried Surname: Stokes

Married Surname: Boffin

Date of Birth: 7. 6.1928 

Date of death: 6.1.2014

Place of Birth: Waverley – Liverpool

Family’s reaction to joining: Pleased Mum was helping at an important time in the world when the men had gone to war.

Reasons for leaving: Time finished.


Worked for a private farmer in Hockerton, Southwell Area, Nottingham

Type of work undertaken: General farmwork

Work liked most and least: Working with animals and crops. Mucking out, seeing bats.

Best and worst memories of time: Mum never mentioned any bad memories, always happy.

Treatment by farmers or market gardeners: Well generally, except for one farmer who she threatened with a pitchfork if he touched her bottom again.


Hawksworth Hall  (place)

Life after the war

Trained as a tayloress

How did work in the WLA / WTC effect your/ their life? Enjoyed working with livestock and in particular horses.

Contributor Information

Name: Sue Shephard

Relationship to Land Girl: Daughter

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