WW2 Photo: Chiropodist to Land Girl, 1943
The photograph of a Land Girl driving a tractor was circulated by the New York Bureau to publicise the work of the British Women’s Land Army to American audiences.

“It’s a long way from being a chiropodist to an expert land worker, but that is the achievement of the Women’s Land Army, now engaged in farm duties on England’s Home Front. It’s the kind of transition that is as necessary here [America] as in the British Isles, where home farm production has greatly increased since the start of the war.
Many American men and women, too, are learning how to do farm work so that they can take part in essential agricultural work.
The following photos show how the former woman chiropodist has become an able ‘Land Girl’. Here she is at the wheel of a tractor about to set out for the threshing machine with a load of oats.”
2nd April 1943
Source: Catherine Procter Collection