Betty Hollingdale (née Sherwood)

General Information

First Name(s): Betty

Unmarried Surname: Sherwood

Married Surname: Hollingdale

Date of Birth: 15.5.1925

Place of Birth: Eastbourne

Date Joined WLA: May 1942

Date Left WLA: December 1946

Previous occupation: Worked in an office in Croydon.


6 months of training at Trengwainton in Cornwall.

Worked for a private farmer, Mt R.P Williams at Bullock Down Farm, Beachy Head, Meads. Carried out general farm work and miked by hand.


I lived with my Aunt and Uncle in farm worker cottage.

Life after the war

I married the Shepherd in 1945 and still lived on the farm after for 72 years.

Other information

I was interviewed in my garden by Des Lynam some years ago and spoke of my experiences. This was recorded and shown on TV.

I have no photos of war time as cameras were banned during the war as we lived close to the coast and radar station on Beachy Head.

Contributor Information

Name: Betty Sherwood

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