Sybil Warne (née Cox)

General Information

First Name(s): Sybil

“Still going strong from the outdoor Life the WLA provided me with” says Sybil Warne.

Unmarried Surname: Cox

Married Surname: Warne

Date of Birth: 29.11.1929, Bristol

Date joined WLA: 1944/45

Date left WLA: 1950

Reasons for joining: Did not like working indoors

Family’s reaction to joining: Happy to help with something I liked to do and achieve

Reactions of local people towards WLA: Very polite and respectful

Treatment by farmer or market gardeners: Very delightful and welcoming, made me feel right at home


Training: Attended Training Hostel at Shurdington, Gloucester

Employed by: Mr & Mrs Nance Kevill, Trewannion, Lesnewth Boscastle, Cornwall (1945-1950)

Type of work undertaken: Milking, egg cleaning, harvesting and looking after horses

Work liked most and least: Harvesting most and least was taking the big shire horses to be shoed.

How did work in the WLA effect their life? The surrounding area I was sent to was the best and never moved back from Cornwall. No worst times

Opportunities to meet other Land Girls: I did but cannot remember names


Farmhouse with one other Land Girl on occasions.

Life after the war

Married a local farmer’s son and set up working for a Duchy Farm when the WLA come to an end.

How did work in the WLA effect your life? A very stable and suitable life. Best years of my life apart from my 4 children and husband

Contributor Information

Sybil with the help of her son Richard John Warne.

Sybil revisiting the farm she worked on during the war, 71 years after leaving.

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