Myfanwy (Myfi) Evans (Jenkins)

General Information

Myfanwy (Myfi) Evans (Jenkins)
Myfanwy (Myfi) Evans (Jenkins)

First Name(s): Myfanwy (Myfi)

Unmarried Surname: Jenkins

Married Surname: Evans

Date of Birth: 04/12/1921

Place of Birth: Carmarthen

Date joined WLA: 1941

Date left: 1944

Previous occupation: Hairdresser

Reasons for joining: Had enrolled as a nurse for a brief period, but didn’t enjoy this experience but wanted to help with the war effort.

Family’s reaction to joining: My mum didn’t remember what her parents reaction was, but her father was injured in active service in the First World War, so was probably quite supportive of her choice to play a role in the war effort.

Reasons for leaving: To get married.

Reactions of local people towards WLA: The local people were friendly and welcomed the extra help that the Land Girls could give.

Treatment by farmers or market gardeners: We were treated quite well. My hairdressing came in handy in keeping in with the superintendent because she wanted me to perm her hair, she was known to be quite strict.


Employed by both private farmers and County War Agricultural Committee in Rhydlewis and Ffostrasol, in Cardiganshire (now known as Ceredigion).

Worked with Mary B, Violet (Swansea) Margaret E, Madge (Cross Inn), Mary (Machynlleth).

I was taken to the farms from the hostel at 08.15am and returning by 5pm this was five days a week. I went home every weekend. We had plenty of food at the hostel and I used to take cheese home to my Mam and Dad.

Type of work undertaken: Mostly driving tractors and picking vegetables (mainly potatoes) in the Autumn.

Worked liked most and least: Very much enjoyed driving the tractors even though I hadn’t driven before and never learnt to drive after the war.

Best and worst memories: Enjoyed the hostel in the evenings chatting to friends from all over Wales. Worst memory was hearing the bombs being dropped over Swansea and seeing the fire from several miles away.

How did work in the WLA impact their life? My mum said that it didn’t affect her life. However, from conversations with her children over the years my mum has talked fondly of the friendships and experiences she had whilst in the Land Army. These were probably the most liberating years of her life.


Lived in hostel in in Ffostrasol.

When working on the farms ,the small ones fed us better than the big farms.

Opportunities to meet other Land Girls: Generally socialised with the girls at the same hostel.

Life after the war

Got married in 1944 and had 11 children (two died as infants) stayed at home to raise family and in later life cared for my own mother.

I used to enjoy all the reunions where I met up with the girls I had lost touch with over the years.

Contributor Information

Name: Llinos Evans, daughter.

My mum’s Land Army experience has been recorded by Ceredigion archives.

Due to Covid restrictions my mother’s memories were collected by a carer at the care home where she has been a resident since 2017. Thank you to Cartref Care Home, Henllan, Ceredigion.

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