Marjorie Iris Taylor (née Port)

General Information

Marjorie Port WLA Photo Collection 12

First Name(s): Marjorie Iris

Unmarried Surname: Port

Married surname: Taylor

Date of Birth: 18/10/1926

Place of Birth: Surrey

Date joined WLA: 27/7/1946

Date left: 24/11/1950

WLA number: 174542

Previous occupation: Worked in a book shop and also a chocolate factory.

Post-war occupation: Worked at Chessington Zoo.

Reasons for joining: Felt it was a way to help the country get back on its feet.

Reasons for leaving: End of Land Army time.


Employed by: County War Agricultural Committee

Type of work undertaken: Planting potatoes and other vegetables and leading the plough horses much spreading and stacking.

Worked liked most and least: Leading the plough horses was favourite job.

Best and worst memories of time: The fun of being with girls of the same age and the sense of comradeship. The satisfaction of hard work well done. A seagull landing in her hand and vomiting up worms!

Worked with: Pat Dodson (known as Georgie), Pat Jobbins, Miss H.Robins, Miss S.Jones, Miss J. Hobbs (Jerry)

Opportunities to meet other Land Girls and Lumber Jills: The Aldershot NAAFI Club was open for dances.

Treatment by farmers or market gardeners: Pretty good overall.

Any other comments on time in the WLA: A wonderful time in my life.

Pat Dodson (known as Georgie), and Pat Jobbins,
Miss H Robins, Miss S. Jones, Miss J. Hobbs (known as Jerry)


Lived in a hostel, Dial House, Londown Road, Lower Road, Lower Bourne, Farnham, Surrey.

Contributor Information

Name: Helen Clare, Daughter

Marjorie Port WLA Certificate
Marjorie Iris Port Women’s Land Army Release Certificate.

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