Phyllis Bennett (née Reeves)

Phyllis May

General Information

First Name(s): Phyllis May

Unmarried Surname: Reeves

Married Surname: Bennett

Date of Birth: 31/05/1921

Place of Birth: Iwerne Courtney, Dorset

Date joined WLA: 04/06/1941

WLA Number: 37612

Previous occupation: Training for nursing.

Treatment by farmers: Fine


Employed by: Reginald Chambers, private farmer

Farm Name, village and county: Lane Farm, Heydon, Hertfordshire

Type of work undertaken: Believe it was a dairy farm.


Accommodation in: Not sure – may have been Plum Cottage, Elmdon. Certainly lived there later for a while.

Life after the war

Did they return back to their pre-war occupation? No – but she had nursing training prior to Land Army.

What was their occupation after the war? Wife and mother.

Did they stay on the land? No

Contributor Information

Name: Jacqueline Grant Prior

Relationship to Land Girl: Daughter

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