Ivy Fereday

General Information

First Name(s): Ivy

Unmarried Surname: Fereday

Date of Birth: 4.1.1927

Place of Birth: Wolverhampton, Staffordshire

Date left WLA: 1949

Previous occupation: Pastry cook

Reasons for leaving: Marriage


Originally worked at Lea Hall, Eccleshall then transferred to Ben Hay Hostel, Little Gaddesden, Hertfordshire where she worked on Berrow Farm.

I know she loved her time in the Land Army – moving from industrial midlands to countryside – the love of the countryside remained with her for the rest of her life.

Worked with Violet Chavasse and Mary Elwell at Lea Hall Staffordshire.

Types of work undertaken: Fieldwork

Land Girls outside Ben Hay hostel. Ivy is in the back row, second on the right.


Lived at Ben Hay Hostel.

Life after the war

Post-war occupation: Housewife

Contributor Information

Name: Jackie Jones

Relationship to Land Girl: Daughter

Ben Hay Gang in August 1948
Ben Hay WLA Hostel
Floss in her WLA uniform
Land Girls who worked at Ben Hay Hostel.

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