Doreen Blanche Loseby

General Information

First Name(s): Doreen Blanche

Unmarried Surname: Loseby

Date of Birth: 2/6/1929

Place of Birth: Salford, Lancashire

Date joined WLA: 1941

Date left: 1944

Post-war occupation: Shop Assistant

Type of work undertaken: Farm and field work. Worked with Marjorie Massey.

Any accidents or injuries: Hand badly cut. Lasting scar.

Any other comments on time in the WLA: Though I’m short of details, I know that my mother enjoyed her time in the WLA, probably because she was young and away from home and enjoying the friendship of her WLA colleagues. 

Did they stay on the land? No

“I believe that Doreen served in the Midlands. In the above photograph, my mother has a bandage on her left hand, which accords with her account of having cut her hand quite badly when working in the fields or on the farm. My mother would only have been about 17 years old when the picture was taken.”

Contributor Information

Name: Barry Mlynarz, son

This photograph is dated “August 1947″ and is captioned by Doreen as Ella, Nancy and some of the men from Finham just after work”.
Doreen’s fellow Land Girl colleague Marjorie Massey on 30th November 1946.

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