Joyce Lillian Corras (née Nelson)

General Information

First Name(s): Joyce Lillian

Unmarried Surname: Newton

Married Surname:  Corras

Date of Birth:  11/2/1926

Date of Death: 3/1/2020

Place of Birth:  London

Date Joined WLA: 1943

Date Left WLA: 1945


Joyce worked in Earls Cone, Essex and lived with her aunt. Joyce remarked how local people ‘never liked Londoners’. Life in the WLA made her fit. Joyce’s family were proud of her joining and she remembers picking apples and the cold weather. Friendships were some of Joyce’s best memories.

Life after the war

She returned to her pre-war occupation working in a clothes shop.

Contributor Information

Name: Andrew Leonard Corras

Relationship to Land Girl: Son

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