WW2 Land Girl: Edith Barlow

General Information

First Name(s):  Edith

Unmarried Surname:  Barlow

Date of Birth:  23.9.29

Place of Birth:  Liverpool

Previous occupations: Worked in metal box and on Turners Farm

Reasons for joining: Thought it would be an interesting life for me.

Family’s reaction to joining: My mother said that I wouldn’t last long in the Land Army but she was wrong, I loved it.


Worked for private farmer and County War Agricultural Committee in Lincolnshire and Bedfordshire.

Type of work undertaken: Thrashing of haystack and chopping heads of turnips. I enjoyed both these tasks.

Any accidents or injuries: I had my arm burnt. No effect it healed up quickly.

Best and worst memories of time: Working and living with big groups of people. No worst memory.

Reactions of local people towards WLA / WTC: No bad reactions. Local people liked us.

Treatment by farmers or market gardeners: We were treated very well.


Littlewoods Billet near Braxted Park and Manifold Wick Cottages, Tolleshunt Knights.

Life after the war

Reasons for leaving: War ended. Returned to pre-war occupation, working on a farm.

How did work in the WLA / WTC effect your/ their life? It gave me a good life. I really enjoyed it.

Contributor Information

Name: Edith Barlow

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