Land Girl reminiscence: “Now my gel, take Freddy the bull to the next farm”
This photo of Land Girl Iris Joyce, shows how Irene would have tried to have led a bull.
Source: IWM D 8839Many are the tales I could tell of my Land Army days but one of the funniest was the morning the farmer I worked for said, “Now my gel, take Freddy the bull to the next farm”. I led Freddy by a chain up the cart track, when in the distance we heard the braying of a cow. Sure enough, Freddy got the message. I was literally biting the dust behind him as he charged off in the direction of his lady love.
I found out later that it had been pre-arranged and the farm hands were hidden along the route to watch the fun but I was determined not to let them see how near to tears I was (nor how sore was my bottom).”
Irene Hulatt nee Wright.
Source ‘Bedford on Sunday’ newspaper, 24 April 1977, p5. Courtesy of Stuart Antrobus
Click here to see Irene’s Homecraft Training Centre Report.