Land Girl reminiscence: “12 of us were sent to Warminster on a fortnight’s rat-catching training session.”

“After some months of general farm work and tractor driving in Leighton Bromswold I moved to Sawtry, where 12 of us were sent to Warminster on a fortnight’s rat-catching training session.

We soon grew accustomed to a weekly programme of poisoning, gassing and trapping, and had many laughs on the job, such as the occasion when one of the girls had a small rat run up the leg of her dungarees – casually shaking it down it scurried towards some jeering farm lads who hastily scattered!”

Mrs E. Kenyon [maiden name not known]

Source: ‘Bedford on Sunday’ newspaper, 24 April 1977, p5

An extract on rat catching. Courtesy of Stuart Antrobus
Courtesy of Stuart Antrobus

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