Dorothy’s WLA Journey 4: ‘Lady-Killer of Vermin’

Dorothy Clayden
Dorothy Clayden

This series of posts charts Dorothy Clayden’s time in the Women’s Land Army form 1942 to 1946. This fourth post looks at Dorothy’s transfer to Pest Destruction in Shrewsbury in 1944.

Here, she was issued with extensive advice on rat catching and the different protocols which could be followed. Be sure to scroll to the end of this post to see a newspaper article on Dorothy’s work as a ‘Lady-Killer of Vermin’!

Dorothy Clayden Ratcathching
Dorothy Clayden clutching rats in her hands.
Dorothy ratcatching!
Dorothy ratcatching!
Letter sent to Dorothy in March 1944 with instructions on rat catching.
Letter sent to Dorothy in March 1944 with instructions on rat catching.
Rats and Mice Destruction instructions.
Rats and Mice Destruction instructions.
Employment conditions relating to rat catching.
Employment conditions relating to rat catching.
Newspaper article on the 'Lady-Killers' of Vermim
Newspaper article on the ‘Lady-Killers’ of Vermim

See more here:

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 1: Enrolment

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 2: Uniform & Parade

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 3: First billet in Shropshire

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 5: VE Day and Disbandment

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