WW2 Photos: Talgarth Land Girls

My mother Kathleen Ashworth was stationed a long way from home as were a lot of the girls. My mother was from Manchester and being sent to Talgarth in Mid Wales was a considerable culture shock but she enjoyed her WLA days a great deal and she was very proud that she was chosen to represent the Breconshire Land girls in London. She eventually met a local farmer Dennis Price over a table tennis table and they eventually married and had two sons. They worked a small farm on the slopes of the Black Mountains for many years.

Talgarth Land Girls taking a break during spud picking. Tony Price's mother is the lady at the back of the photo. Source: Tony Price

Talgarth Land Girls taking a break during spud picking. Tony Price’s mother is the lady at the back of the photo.
Source: Tony Price

Talgarth Land Girls out in the fields Source: Tony Price

Talgarth Land Girls out in the fields
Source: Tony Price

Local Land Girls enjoying time off during the Talgarth Carnival Source: Tony Price

Local Land Girls enjoying time off during the Talgarth Carnival
Source: Tony Price

Talgarth Land Girls arrive in London to see the Queen at the Disbandment Ceremony in October 1950. They stayed overnight at the Clapham Common Underground dormitories Source: Tony Price

Talgarth Land Girls arrive in London to see the Queen at the Disbandment Ceremony in October 1950. They stayed overnight at the Clapham Common Underground dormitories
Source: Tony Price

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