Maud Pretoria Bird

General Information

First Name(s): Maud Pretoria

Unmarried Surname: Bird

Married Surname: Tandy

Date of Birth: 18th August 1900

Place of Birth: Hammersmith, London

Date Joined WLA: Agriculture 4th April 1918

Date Left WLA / WFC: 30th November 1919

Employment and Accommodation


Pre-Work Training: As far as is known, no pre training given.

1) Employed by?: Unknown

Names of any individuals?: Unknown

Dates with employer?: 4th April 1918 – ?

County: Surrey

Village: Godalming

Farm Name: Farmer’s names unknown.

2) Employed by?: Unknown

Names of any individuals?: Unknown

Dates with employer?: 1919

County: Bedford

Village: Cople, Bedford

Farm Name: Cople House Farm

3) Employed by?: Unknown

Names of any individuals?: Miss Leary, Mr Roberton

Dates with employer?: 1919

County: Bedford

Village: 184 High Street Harrold, Bedford

Farm Name: Priory Farmhouse


Accommodation in: Maud was accommodated in private billets at the farms mentioned above, although I’m unsure about Godalming.

Life After War

Life after war: At the end of her WLA service Maude took up a job as a milker at the residence of Sir Edgar Horne, a Member of Parliament for the Guildford division of Surrey. She was lodging at Shackleford House farm. She worked there from 1920 until Sept 1921. In October 1921 she sailed to New Zealand to Marry the New Zealand soldier she met during her WLA service.

Further Information

  • Family’s reaction to joining WLA / WFC: Seemingly positive
  • Any other Land Girls / Forage or Forestry Corps she worked with (please give names, if known): Pellie (surname and location unknown)
  • Impact of WLA / WFC on life: Maud had a very strong connection with the dairy cows.
  • Any other comments on time in the WLA / WFC: Maud met her husband to be during her time in the WLA – A New Zealand amputee soldier who was convalescing at Oatlands Park Hospital during 1918 and 1919.
  • Maude received an EFFICIENCY Certificate for Farm Work. The examination was on the 2nd May 1919 at Jade St, Bramley. Maud passed with a mark of 89%.
  • On demobilization Maud was awarded the GSR (Good Service Record) with noted excellence in milking, dairy and stock work and had earned three good service stripes on her arm band.

Contributor Details

Name: Mike and Brent Tandy

Relationship to Land Girl: Nanna

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