Dorothy Williams

Dorothy Williams
Dorothy Williams

General Information

First Name(s): Dorothy

Unmarried Surname: Williams

Date of Birth: 26th March 1893

Place of Birth: Nottingham

General Information

Dorothy worked on a farm in Wilford in Nottinghamshire, under the direction of the group leader Mrs Coltman. As this was part-time work for Dorothy, she would have lived at home with her older sisters, in West Bridgford.

I don’t know much about Dorothy’s life immediately after the war. She was my grandmother, but died when I was a baby. She married my grandfather and had my mother in the early 1920s and did not do any paid employment then. They grew vegetables during the Second World War on the railway embankment that their garden backed on to.

During the Second World War, Dorothy was an ARP warden, with her husband, in Coventry.

Contributor Details

Name: Elaine Chafer, Granddaughter

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