Lillian May Rance

Lillian May Rance standing behind the groom in this photo at Maggie Kent's wedding.

Lillian May Rance standing behind the groom in this photo at Maggie Kent’s wedding.

General Information

First Name(s): Lillian May (always known as ‘May’ throughout her life)

Unmarried Surname: Rance

Married Surname: Webb (1926)

Date of Birth: 27th October 1902

Place of Birth: Bracknell, Easthampstead R.D.C.

Date Joined WLA: Agriculture 4th April 1918

Date Left WLA / WFC: 30th November 1919

Life After War

Life after war: She was in domestic service after the war until she married in 1926.

Further Information

  • Her father did not approve of her wearing “men’s clothes”, “too much like a man”.
  • From the photo above at Maggie Kent’s Wedding, the Land Girls formed the Guard of Honour.  My Aunt is standing behind the groom. 
  • I believe she worked in a shop before joining the Land Army. After her service in the Land Army she worked as a Parlour Maid at Heathfield School in Ascot and when she left to get married in 1926 she was Head Parlour Maid.
  • She moved to Kidderminster before the Second World War and worked in Marks and Spencers there for many years.

Contributor Details

Name: Joan Mirabel Hubbard

Relationship to Land Girl: Niece

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