Florence Ada Lowers (née Beacroft)

General Information

First Name(s):  Florence Ada

Unmarried Surname: Beacroft

Married Surname: Lowers

Date of Birth: 31.10.25

Place of Birth: 28 Distin St, Kennington, Lambeth, London SE 11

Date Joined WTC: February 1943

Date Left WTC: September 1945

Previous occupation: Worked in stockroom in factory; Marmite packer.

Reasons for joining: Wanted to do my bit for the war.

Family’s reaction to joining: Quite happy.


Training at Wordwell, near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.

From April 1943 to October 1944, worked for private forestry contractor, Mr Jones in Thurlbear and Minehead, Somerset.

Transferred to Devon to work for Forestry Commission at Hayne WTC Camp. Responsible for felling, pitprops sawing, skinning tree trunks for telegraph poles.

Worked with Joan Bashford and Vera Miles.

Most enjoyed working with horses.

Best and worst memories: Sunny days, but hated the cold.

Opportunities to meet other Lumber Jills: Mostly in the camp where resided.

Reactions of local people: Friendly.

Treatment by farmers or market gardeners: Distant.


Hill Farm Cottage, Shoreditch, Nr Taunton Somerset & Mrs Hodge, Periton Lane, Minehead, Somerset.

Life after the war

Post-war occupation: Went back to old job, working in factory storeroom.

How did work in WTC effect your life? Made friends for life.

Contributor Information

Name: Florence Lowers

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