Alice Victoria Radford (née Izatt)

Women's Timber Corps Badge to be worn on beret. Photo of badge from Catherine Procter's WLA Collection.
Women’s Timber Corps Badge
Source: Catherine Procter’s WLA Collection.

General Information

First Name(s): Alice Victoria

Unmarried Surname: Izatt

Married Surname: Radford

Date of Birth: 13.11.1922

Place of Birth: Stratford

Date joined WTC: 1940

Date left WTC: 1945

Reasons for leaving: War ended

Employment & accommodation

Met her husband whilst living in one of the boarding houses.

Type of work undertaken: Felled trees.

Any accidents: Chopped off a small piece of index finger on right hand. Injury didn’t affect her. She just carried on working.

Accommodation: Lived in private cottage owned by Mrs Davis and several other locations.

Best and worst memories:

  • Went dancing regularly after the working day was done.
  • Loved doing the work itself.
  • Mrs Davis was mean and seemed to be in it only for the money as a landlady.
  • Can’t remember names of other locations etc.

Life after the war

Yes, my Nan was the proud mother of 5 children. She worked hard every day of her life to help provide for her family and raise them as best she could.

Contributor Information

Name: Sylvia Joy

Relationship to Land Girl: Daughter

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