Christina Forrester (née Edgar)

General Information

Christina Forrester

First Name(s):  Christina

Unmarried Surname: Edgar

Married Surname:  Forrester

Date of Birth:   23.7.23

Place of Birth:  Glasgow

Date Joined WTC: 1.9.42

Date Left WTC: 9.10.45

WLA Number: 1314

Previous occupation: Clerical Assistant at David J Clark

Reasons for joining: Had a choice between Munitions or Timber Corps.

Family’s reaction to joining: They were horrified! because I was a young lady going to chop down trees.


Christina Forrester in full WTC uniform

Pre-work training: Shandford Lodge, Brechin, learning to use an axe and saw.

Employed by: County War Agricultural Committee in Alyth, Perthshire

Type of work undertaken: Tree felling

Work liked most and least: Liked the routine and companionship, didn’t like bad weather.

Best and worst memories of time: Family coming to visit, death of Italian P.O.W. Joseph Martini.

Reactions of local people towards WTC: Very friendly.

Accommodation: Nissan Hut at, Bamff House (only billeted here as was Lumber Jill. Lord & Lady Ramsay owned the big house and lived there.

Name of other Land Girls/ Lumber Jills who worked or shared accommodation with:

  • Nettie Primrose
  • May Bell
  • Helen Dempster
  • Rae Watters
  • Margaret Neil
  • Cathy Buchanan
  • Marie Friends
  • Ina Brown
  • Cathy Tainsh
Christina Forrester (left) with Rae Watters (right)
Christina Forrester (left) with Rae Watters (right).

Life after the war

Worked for Acme Wringer Company – Inspection (Quality Control)

How did work in the WTC effect our/ their life? It made me more mature and very muscly, although I was back to my usual size in a short time.

Contributor Information

Name: C Forrester and I. Fraser (daughter)

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