In pictures: Cambridgeshire farming from shire horses to solar panels

WLA on Burton's Farm, Thorney From BBC article "Mr Finnerty said agriculture faced a new crisis during the inter-war years, with prices for farm produce falling. Thousands of women joined the Women's Land Army during World War Two. What is less well known is that their farm work did not end in 1945 - over 100 land army women were still working in Cambridgeshire's farms in 1950."

Land Girls on Burton’s Farm, Thorney
Quoted from the BBC article

“Mr Finnerty said agriculture faced a new crisis during the inter-war years, with prices for farm produce falling. Thousands of women joined the Women’s Land Army during World War Two. What is less well known is that their farm work did not end in 1945 – over 100 land army women were still working in Cambridgeshire’s farms in 1950.”

Please see the full article here.

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