Happy Easter 2018!

From Swords to Ploughshares. The modern version of beating swords into ploughshares can be seen on Mr. J. Birt's farm at Prestbury, Glos. He has bought a "Quad" and uses it as a tractor. Source: Catherine Procter Collection
From Swords to Ploughshares. The modern version of beating swords into ploughshares can be seen on Mr. J. Birt's farm at Prestbury, Glos. He has bought a "Quad" and uses it as a tractor. Source: Catherine Procter Collection
From Swords to Ploughshares. The modern version of beating swords into ploughshares can be seen on Mr. J. Birt's farm at Prestbury, Glos. He has bought a "Quad" and uses it as a tractor. Source: Catherine Procter Collection

From Swords to Ploughshares.
The modern version of beating swords into ploughshares can be seen on Mr. J. Birt’s farm at Prestbury, Glos. He has bought a “Quad” and uses it as a tractor. c.1940s
Source: Catherine Procter Collection

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