70th Anniversary of Land Girl parade through Bedford, Princess Elizabeth’s first public engagement

Today marks 70 years since 600 Bedfordshire land girls paraded through Bedford on 14 February 1946 before a 19-year old Princess Elizabeth (now Her Majesty the Queen). This was her first public engagement on her own.

Bedfordshire land girls march past Princess Elizabeth down Bedford High Street on 14 February 1946 in a Victory parade

Bedfordshire land girls march past Princess Elizabeth down Bedford High Street on 14 February 1946 in a Victory parade.

For more photos and newsreel, see the following page.

The photos below show a small display for February, produced by Stuart for Bedford Central Library to celebrate the annivesary. All photos courtesy of Stuart Antrobus.

Bedford Central Library WLA Display 5

Bedford Central Library WLA Display

Bedford Central Library WLA Display 3

Bedford Central Library WLA Display 4

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