Eastbourne Land Girl Veterans Group met up at the former 1940s Brenzett WLA Hostel building – now Romney Marsh Wartime Collection museum – on Sunday 17 August 2014 for an annual reunion

Eastbourne Land Girl Veterans Group met up at the former 1940s Brenzett WLA Hostel building – now Romney Marsh Wartime Collection museum – on Sunday 17 August 2014 for an annual reunion

Eastbourne Land Girl Veterans Group met up at the former 1940s Brenzett WLA Hostel building - now Romney Marsh Wartime Collection museum - on Sunday 17 August 2014 for an annual reunion (Left to right): Stella Masters, Olive French, Evelyn Light, Doris Bradley, Gladys Marshall, Molly Paterson, Rose Daniels, Susie Crouch

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