WW1 Photo: Land Girls at Maggie Kent’s Wedding

For more information on Lillian May Rance, please go to her separate record page here.

My Aunt, Lillian May Rance, was a Land Girl in World War One.  The only information I heard about her experiences was that her father did not approve of her attire – “Too much like a man!”.  The attached photograph came from my grandmother’s collection.  On the back it says “Maggie Kent’s Wedding”. My Aunt is standing behind the groom.  Clearly the Land Girls formed the Guard of Honour. My Aunt lived in Bracknell, Berkshire, at the time, so it must have taken place there or nearby.

Joan Hubbard

Lillian May Rance in the World War One Women's Land Army

Lillian May Rance, standing behind the groom, with other Land Girls of the World War One Women’s Land Army. Source: Joan Hubbard

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