Walker Books – Collecting memories from WW2 Land Girls

Walker Books, the UK’s leading independent children’s publisher, is producing a collection of memories of the Second World War to mark the outbreak of the conflict seventy-five years ago. These memories will range from accounts of the fighting across many different theatres, to stories about the home front, child evacuations and many more besides. They are being gathered by children, who are interviewing their grandparents, great-grandparents, friends and neighbours. Walker is particularly keen to ensure the stories of women are collected and shared, and would love to include memories from former Land Girls.

The publisher is also offering children who don’t know anyone with memories of the war the opportunity to be connected with someone who does. In a collaboration with the children’s weekly newspaper, First News, Walker asked children to write in explaining why they think it’s important to record World War Two memories.

Walker Books would love your help: if you have young relatives or family friends, please encourage them to interview you, write it up and send it to them. We’re also looking for volunteers to be interviewed by those who wrote in to First News, asking for the opportunity to meet someone with memories of the Second World War. You would be matched with a child who lives close to you, and would meet with them either at your home or somewhere convenient to you, along with the child’s parent or guardian.

A proportion of the royalties of this book will go to The Silver Line, a charitable helpline for older people established by Esther Rantzen (founder of ChildLine).

To submit entries, volunteer for an interview or to ask any further questions, please email the book’s editor, Liza Miller, at liza.miller@walker.co.uk.

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