September: Clubs and Hostels

From left to right, top to bottom:
- Members of the Romiley L.A Club made a successful collection when “A Canterbury Tale” was shown at the local cinema. Source: The Land Girl, June 1945, p.14
- In A Hostel at Doncaster. Source: The Land Girl, May 1943, p.9
- Photos of the WLA club, opened on 14th June 1944. Source: The Land Girl, July 1944, p.8
- In the garden of the Llandudno Rest Break House. Source: The Land Girl, September 1946, p.10
- The Penrith L.A. Club had a membership of forty and was open every Saturday from 3 till 6. The delightful murals were painted by Miss Gower, Cumberland Organiser. Source: The Land Girl, January 1947, p.15