Happy 100th Birthday to the Women’s Institute!

Women's Institue 100th Birthday Logo

Today marks a very special celebration, the 100th Birthday of the Women’s Institute.

 The Women’s Institute and Women’s Land Army have a entwined history of enabling women’s work on the land. Click here to see issues of the magazine of the Women’s Land Army and the Women’s Institute published during the First World War.

The Landswoman - the magazine of the Women's Land Army and the Women's Institute.

The Landswoman – the magazine of the Women’s Land Army and the Women’s Institute.

Most notably, Lady Gertrude Denman, was the Director of the Women’s Land Army during the Second World War. Click here to find out more about Lady Gertrude Denman’s life and work.

Lady Gertrude Denman. Source: The WI

Lady Gertrude Denman
Source: The WI

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