Finding Herefordshire Land Girls: R K Jones, Pat Shaw, Nora Grundy & Pat Evans

My name is Neil Enoch, and I work as a volunteer at a small agriculture museum run by a farming friend in Worcestershire. I help to restore all sorts of of agriculture and associated  items, recently we acquired  a pre war Fordson tractor which has been brought back into working  condition.

On the engine cover  there are several female names scratched into the paint work all with the tag of WLA. we believe theses to names of members of the  WLA during Second War. We were wondering if  we could trace/ find out who the names belong to and the history of the tractor during WW2. The tractor was recovered from a farm in Herefordshire and one of the names inscribed had the location BURCOTT.

The tractor was brought by Messrs Taylor & Sons of Westfield Hereford on 22/3/1938 and remained there during the war years.

The tractor is a Land Utility Fordson N, AUJ 267, coloured Harvest Gold

The names of WLA members whose names are inscribed on the engine cover are

  • E Davies Burcott (this maybe a area of Hereford)
  • R K Jones
  • Pat Shaw
  • Nora Grundy
  • Pat Evans
Tractor with Land Girl scratchings

Tractor with Land Girl scratchings
Source: Neil Enoch


Tractor with Land Girl scratchings Source: Neil Enoch

Tractor with Land Girl scratchings
Source: Neil Enoch

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