The Land Girl Covers: June
So can you believe it we are almost halfway through the year?! We have some great illustrations this month, taken from the 1944 and 1945 editions of The Land Girl. The first illustration shows three separate drawings of Land Girls: one pulling up a carrot, the other feeding a hen, and the final woman on the floor trying to milk a cow. The line drawings are rather fun and the jovial style of the cartoon captures the joys of summer.
The second illustration by E Wright, a Land Girl from Suffolk, marked V.E Day. Here, Wright highlights the vital role of the Women’s Land Army to victory with the silhouettes of women in front of a big V, with a WLA hat, balanced on top. The illustration communicated one simple and powerful message: the country would not have reached victory without women’s vital work on the land.

1944 edition of The Land Girl magazine.

1945 edition drawn by E. Wright, 73902 (W Suffolk)