Can you help find out more about Betty Dudgale and Beryl Head?

Betty Dugdale in Women's Land Army truck with friends

Betty Dugdale in Women’s Land Army truck with friends

If by chance there is someone out there whose mum is called Beryl who may have served in the Women’s Land Arrmy in WW2.  My mum is coming up to 90 years old just before the New Year so be nice to hear if Beryl or a family member right is out there.  My mum comes from the Lake District but moved with the Women’s Land Army from Cumbria to Hertfordshire. Stayed in the Totteridge Hall in north London using the local pub the Rising Sun.

Here is a photograph of my mum Betty Dugdale in the middle with her pals from the land army. The lady on the left of the photo was Irish my mum said and Beryl Head is the lady to the right of the photo as we look at it but to my mum’s left.

My mum joined the land army in the Lake District on 1.7.194 and transferred in 1946 to Hertfordshire where I think this photo was taken. She resigned from the Land army in 1947. Beryl Head is the lady my mum would love to hear from in particular. My mum said they had an initial exchange of letters when they both left – they both had a child.

I have been to the National Archives and retrieved my mum’s registration microfiche which was lovely to hand a copy of to her on her 90th – she had joined in 1941 in Ambleside where she worked for a few years before the transfer to Hertfordshire.

Betty Dugdale

Betty Dugdale

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